
Founded in 1996, the Stëmm vun der Stross encourages the social and professional integration of underprivileged but also discriminated individuals.

The association mainly supports people who are homeless, unemployed, living on a minimum wage, ex-criminals, asylum seekers, immigrants and people who suffer from addictions such as alcoholism, drugs and medication.

Make a donation

The Stëmm can only exist through people like you and always welcomes donations.

or by bank transfer to the account of La Stëmm vun der Strooss LU63 0019 2100 0888 3000 at BCEE


The association is dependent on volunteers, people who are willing to give their time for a good cause

The mission of the volunteer consists to visit people in hospitals and prisons. The volunteer has to respect the ethics and sensibilities to work with vulnerable people, thus discretion and professionalism are required. The “Immo Stëmm”, on the other hand enables an accessible housing market for vulnerable people.

Click on the link below to access the registration form.


Learn out what mean to be a volunteer in our organization:

Have the availability of a discreet and open presence

Listening in an empathetic attitude

Have an attitude of tolerance and authenticity

Create a warm welcome climate

Ensure an atmosphere of calm and serenity

Contributing to physical and mental comfort

Support the disadvantaged person in times of anxiety, despair and loneliness

As volunteer you will have such opportunities:

Volunteers organize their engagement flexibly

Volunteers are entitled to a reference person in the institution

Availability: frequency and timetable to be agreed upon

Volunteers retain the freedom of their philosophical, religious and policies, as well as their privacy

Volunteers may request a temporary suspension of their engagement

Volunteers have the right to a specific training, to a permanent continuing education


‘When I saw the homeless in the street, I didn't understand the meaning of the phrase "human dignity is intangible". I had no contact with the men, it was impossible for me to get in touch with them. I had the impression that they no longer had any value, that they had been banished from society.
When the Stëmm vun der Strooss was founded, I immediately seized the opportunity to work there as a volunteer. Here, I met people who were not, strictly speaking, homeless, but who found themselves in difficult living conditions. Nevertheless, many of them kept a sense of humour despite their situation. I laugh a lot here. I have deep conversations about life, politics and philosophical views, the likes of which you rarely hear in a 'normal' café. Here, I'm always very respected, I'm welcomed without prejudice, you're a man among men'.

Joséanne, 57 ans

‘I've been going to Stëmm for six years now. Gast, my son, introduced me. I've already had a lot of fights with women my own age because I hang out with "such people". I'm happy with them, they're my friends. People are frank and I like that. They all have a lot of problems, but they're always in a good mood. We've had so much fun here! No one has ever been rude to me. I'm happy to come here.

Michelle, 84 ans